
《For SSW visa holders》

Change job?

YOLO JAPAN is a job listing site for working visa holder living in Japan.

YOLO JAPAN  is the place
to find your next career.

With over 260,000 registered members.
YOLO JAPAN is a job information site for non-Japanese that is chosen by many people.

More jobs added
every day.

Job listings are added every day.
Find the perfect job for you.

Supports 6 languages

No Japanese is required from member registration to job search and job interviews.

User’s Voice

A lot of users have found jobs on YOLO JAPAN. Let’s hear everyone’s voice.



YOLO JAPAN is unique because you can promote yourself with a self-introduction video. Even if your Japanese isn’t perfect, it’s okay. I highly recommend it as it has more jobs than other sites.



There are many job listings from companies that have experience hiring non-Japanese, so you can apply with confidence. I was able to find a job that was perfect for me because i can search jobs based on my desired criteria.


Nationality:Sri Lanka

I don’t have confidence to work using Japanese, but there are many jobs at YOLO JAPAN that don’t require Japanese, so I was able to search with ease. Even though I feel nervous with my Japanese, I can learn while working.

Need assistance?
We are here for you.

We are here for you on how to register as a member of YOLO JAPAN, how to look for job listings, how to apply, etc.

No Fee and Risk Free

Membership registration, job search, and support are free, so you can start looking for a new job anytime. Make a move, now!

Let’s find your way of working right away!

Click here to register
as a member of YOLO JAPAN

Contact us for consultation regarding membership registration and job search.

Preferred Method of Contact ※Our business hour is 10 a.m. − 7 p.m. M-F (excluding holiday)
What is your preferred language?※If you would like to have a consultation over the phone, please make sure to fill out the form.
※If you would like to have a consultation over the phone, please make sure to fill out the form.
What is your preferred time to talk by phone?(weekdays only) ※YOLO JAPAN will contact you by phone. If you would like to have a consultation by phone, please make sure to fill out the form.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive email communications from us and understand that your contact information will be stored by us.